Everyday I'm all, "Oh, twelve fucking hours, how will I make it?" And now here it is and I'm saying, "Damn, four a.m., swee -eet, only three more hours and I haven't even cracked into the blogosphere".
Sometimes I just can't think of what to write because there are so many images and sentences swirling around in my head that to take just one feels false. So I'm gonna try something a little different.
1. NPR had a show the other day about unemployment blogging. One opinion is that bloggers are selfish, narcissistic, cry-babies. What do you think?
2.Why the hell is society set up in a way that forces us to have to work so fucking much. In our lives, do we spend more time working or sleeping? We sure don't spend the majority of our hours on earth having fun and chilling.
3. I hate police. Sorry if you're a cop, I hate you too. Were you picked on as a child? Yeah, me too and I didn't feel the need to prove myself by joining the biggest gang in the country to get paid to bully people. I know all cops aren't corrupt, but all of them are at least guilty by association.
4. Spring is nice. I like Lilacs and grass.
5. Why do so many men think they should get away w/out paying child support. It annoys me so much that women are held more accountable for children simply because we give birth. We couldn't do that without sperm, so responsibility is 50/50, right?
6. We hear all the time that it's not healthy to sunbathe, it could cause cancer. But are we totally sure that self-tanners aren't going to be found to cause cancer, you know, due to the chemicals which sink into our skin to cause our skin to change color? I mean, too much of anything could not be good.
7. Are there any cases involving search warrants issued due to blog content? Like if you post a pic of a needle in your arm with you sitting outside your house, can they use that to obtain a warrant?
8. Why do they teach such useless crap in school? Why don't they offer classes on topics relevant to everyday life, like tax prep class, home economics type stuff? Instead they spend hours focusing on just the convenient parts of modern history, the bits and pieces which make this country appear fair and progressive.
9. I only mention the next because it consumes so much of my brain power everyday. What is the point of dragging out this pointless, no-win, War on Drugs? They will never succeed in eradicating drugs, just accept it. Especially WEED!!!!
10. How can it be possible that a young, sane looking individual would truly believe that "Your Health Is Your Problem"? Is it simply a matter of not wanting to chip in for the benefit of another, don't want to give away any more tax dollars for those w/out insurance to have access to medical care? I bet the folks who believe such a thought have always been fortunate enough to have health care. I bet they have never been denied insurance due to a pre-existing disorder. I bet they have never made too much money to qualify for state medicaid, yet not been offered employer benefits. Do these folks think that if you break your leg and can't afford to fix it you should just walk around on the broken leg?
11. Annual dog licensing is bullshit!
12. I think it's kind of irresponsible for Brad & Angelina to adopt all those kids and try to raise them all themselves and with nannies. Those kids are going to have mad emotional baggage as adults, though I don't doubt they will never want for anything. Maybe they could pay for families who can't afford adoption to have an adopted child. That way, these kids will have more normal lives and get the attention they need.
13. And last but not least: Why would they have us work 12 hour shifts and tell us we can't leave our post, but then have no bathroom to go to without leaving our post? Therefore I am left no choice but to abandon my post several times a night. Doing so, however, leaves the "Guard" shack unattended when tractors show up. When it gets busy around 4:30 a.m. good luck making it to the bathroom, so I just peed in my coffee cup (I know that is gross, but haven't you ever been in that position. A la soda can in the car? Boys don't count, you have it so easy). I had to pee so bad I was worried I'd overflow the mug and leak onto the floor, all was good. Put the cup in a trash bag to be disinfected at home where Mikey will probably make me throw the cup away, a little Windex, and everything is good as new.
13 1/2. My Mom wears Bulgari perfume and she gave me some for x-mas. I hate to wear it because it makes me feel like my mom because I associate the smell with her. But I ran out of cheap perfume to spray in my shack at work. I have to spray something because the guy who works before me smells BAD!!! Anyway, I sprayed Bulgari past few times at work and all the drivers are commenting appreciatively on the smell. Makes me want to appreciate it more but it's my mommy smell. So it will always by homey not seductive for me.
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